If you have been reading our blog over the last few months you have probably read about the awesome Arduino homebrew controller or the Arduino cocktail maker. After writing about these projects we thought that it was only fair that we also let you know about Bot1398’s Arduino Breathalyzer. After all, it is important to make sure that your friends are safe to drive themselves home after partaking in some of your home brewed beers!
This project uses an alcohol sensor to provide an estimation of your blood alcohol content. If you are wanting to develop your soldering skills and build something which could genuinely be useful, this is definitely a great project to get started on. You can find out more at the following link.
If you are looking for an Arduino board to provide the brains for your breathalyzer, the SuperHouse team recommends the Freetronics “Eleven” Arduino Compatible Board, click on the link to find out more.
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Working on your own home automation projects? The team at SuperHouse Automation would love to know! Tell us about it in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.