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Arduino UV Meter

With warmer summer months approaching (at least for us Australians) it is becoming more important to be sunsmart. What better way to start being sunsmart than to build your own Arduino UV Meter! This UV meter uses an OLED display a ESP-1 WiFi module along with a number of sensor to provide the inputs and outputs.


If you want to find out more about this impressive project check out the instructable from funelab.  The instructions are well explained and include instructions on how to 3D print a case which is perfectly designed for the keychain.


Want to keep in the loop about the latest in home automation? Subscribing to SuperHouse Automation on YouTube is the best place to start!

Inspired to start work on this project? Are you working on a project you would like us to feature in this blog? The team at SuperHouse Automation would love to know! Tell us about it in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.

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Water Detection System

A water leak can often be a warning of imminent catastrophic failure with many appliances such as a washing machine or dishwasher. With this simple water detection system not only could you quickly detect appliance faults, but you could also set the system up to notify you if it is raining and you have left washing on the line. The possibilities are endless. This project uses a Particle Photon, although it could work with any microcontroller, and exploits the conducting properties of water to easily detect when water is present somewhere it shouldn’t be! To get started with this project check out the following link.

Flood Detector

Thinking about making your own water detection system but don’t know where to get started with electronics? The Freetronics Experimenter’s Kit is a great way to learn.

Want to keep in the loop about the latest in home automation? Subscribing to SuperHouse Automation on YouTube is the best place to start!

Inspired to start work on this project? Are you working on a project you would like us to feature in this blog? The team at SuperHouse Automation would love to know! Tell us about it in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.

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What is Arduino?

If you have been following our Facebook or Twitter pages or reading our blog you have probably heard a lot about this wonderful thing called “Arduino”.  Although most of you are probably well versed in what Arduino is, some of our readers may have no idea. For this weeks Skill Sunday we have put together a brief introduction about exactly what Arduino is and why you should be interested, you can find it here.


Just discovered what Arduino is and you would like to learn how to use it yourself? The team at SuperHouse Automation recommends the Freetronics Experimenter’s Kit for Arduino. The package includes a wide variety of parts, sensors and modules including: a servo motor, lights, buttons, switches, sound, sensors, breadboard, wires and more. Furthermore a Freetronics Eleven Arduino-compatible board is included to make this an extensive hobby experimenter, inventor and starter kit. The kit also includes a great project and instruction booklet, plus access to a supporting web page and software examples. To get started or for more information and to pre-order (just in time for Christmas), check out the product page.

Want to keep in the loop about the latest in home automation? Subscribing to SuperHouse Automation on YouTube is the best place to start!

Inspired to start work on this project? Are you working on a project you would like us to feature in this blog? The team at SuperHouse Automation would love to know! Tell us about it in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.
