The ESP32 is a fantastic MCU, but when you are designing a project with it you need to choose the I/O pins very carefully.
Many of the I/O pins have special purposes, such as being bootstrapping pins that change the way the ESP32 boots up. Some have limitations, such as being OK to use as inputs but they don’t have pullup or pulldown resistors, so you have to bias them externally.
And some of the strange behaviour is really obscure: for example, you can’t use analog input on any pin associated with ADC2 while WiFi is in use!
To help me navigate these limitations I created a spreadsheet that lists the pins and their strange behaviour:

When I start a new project, I use this spreadsheet as a template and make a duplicate just for the project. Then I add notes to the “Purpose” column to say what I’m going to use each pin for.
I’ve made the template public, so you can make copies of it yourself for your projects. Click the preview above to open it in Google Sheets.
Many of the cells have notes attached to them, explaining specific limitations.
Because I mostly use Wroom32 modules, the spreadsheet has a column for Wroom32 pin numbers. You can change this to suit whatever module you use in your project, or ignore it and work from the direct ESP32 pin numbers which are also listed.